Online Registration

Basic Tai Chi for Stress Relief

Dates:January 16 - March 6, 2025
Meets:Th from 7:45 PM to 8:45 PM
Location:Hoover Middle small gym
Cost: $70.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.


Basic Qigong for Stress Relief
Qigong, a form of Tai Chi, is the foundation/building block of taijiquan and is similar to yoga in body, mind, and spirit. These simple yet powerful exercises combine movement, breathing and intention to produce a relaxed body, calm mind and peaceful spirit.
No experience or equipment is necessary, the participant can simply follow the instructor for a moderate aerobic workout which will enhance balance, flexibility, range of motion, circulation, lower body and core strength as well as lowering blood pressure and heart rate. Beginners are welcome as participants may adjust their level of performance to their own comfort and ability level.
Fee: $70.00

Hoover Middle small gym

Enter at door #11 located in the Sheridan Drive parking lot. Turn right and continue down hallway until the first intersection. The Girls’ Locker Room entrance is almost directly across the intersection. The Boys’ Locker Room is to the right past the Large Gym. Walk all the way through the locker room. The small gym doors are located right as you exit the lower locker rooms.

Jay Robbins

Date Day Time Location
01/16/2025Thursday7:45 PM to 8:45 PM Hoover Middle small gym
01/23/2025Thursday7:45 PM to 8:45 PM Hoover Middle small gym
01/30/2025Thursday7:45 PM to 8:45 PM Hoover Middle small gym
02/06/2025Thursday7:45 PM to 8:45 PM Hoover Middle small gym
02/13/2025Thursday7:45 PM to 8:45 PM Hoover Middle small gym
03/06/2025Thursday7:45 PM to 8:45 PM Hoover Middle small gym