Online Registration

School Instrument Rental - KTUFSD Students Only

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25INSTTEDBAEdison-BAND-Instrument Rental-(Grade 4)08/19/2406/20/25M from 12 M to 12:00 AM40.00
25INSTTEDSTEdison-STRING-Instrument Rental-(Grade 4)08/19/2406/30/25M from 12 M to 12:00 AM40.00
25INSTTFEBAFranklin Elementary-BAND-Instrument Rental-(Grade 4)08/19/2406/30/25M from 12 M to 12:00 AM40.00
25INSTTFESTFranklin Elementary-STRING-Instrument Rental-(Grade 4)08/19/2406/30/25M from 12 M to 12:00 AM40.00
25INSTTFMBA5Franklin Middle-BAND-Instrument Rental-(Grade 5)08/19/2406/30/25M from 12 M to 12:00 AM40.00
25INSTTFMBA6Franklin Middle-BAND-Instrument Rental-(Grade 6-7)08/19/2406/30/25M from 12 M to 12:00 AM40.00
25INSTTFMSTFranklin Middle-STRINGS-Instrument Rental- (Grade 5-7)08/19/2406/30/25M from 12 M to 12:00 AM40.00
25INSTTHEBAHoover Elementary-BAND-Instrument Rental-(Grade 4)08/19/2406/30/25M from 12 M to 12:00 AM40.00
25INSTTHESTHoover Elementary-STRING-Instrument Rental-(Grade 4)08/19/2406/30/25M from 12 M to 12:00 AM40.00
25INSTTHMBA5Hoover Middle-BAND-Instrument Rental-(Grade 5)08/19/2406/30/25M from 12 M to 12:00 AM40.00
25INSTTHMBA6Hoover Middle-BAND-Instrument Rental-(Grades 6-7)08/19/2406/30/25M from 12 M to 12:00 AM40.00
25INSTTHMST5Hoover Middle-STRINGS-Instrument Rental-(Grade 5)08/19/2406/30/25M from 12 M to 12:00 AM40.00
25INSTTHMST6Hoover Middle-STRING-Instrument Rental-(Grade 6-7)08/19/2406/30/25M from 12 M to 12:00 AM40.00
25INSTTHOBASHolmes Elementary-BAND & STRING-Instrument Rental-(Grade 4)08/19/2406/30/25M from 12 M to 12:00 AM40.00
25INSTTKEBAKenmore East-BAND-Instrument Rental-(Grades 8-12)08/19/2406/30/25M from 12 M to 12:00 AM40.00
25INSTTKESTKenmore East-STRING-Instrument Rental-(Grades 8-12)08/19/2406/30/25M from 12 M to 12:00 AM40.00
25INSTTKWBAKenmore West- BAND-Instrument Rental-(Grades 8-12)08/19/2406/30/25M from 12 M to 12:00 AM40.00
25INSTTKWSTKenmore West-STRING-Instrument Rental-(Grades 8-12)08/19/2406/30/25M from 12 M to 12:00 AM40.00
25INSTTLEBALindbergh Elementary- Band -Instrument Rental-(Grade 4)08/19/2406/30/25M from 12 M to 12:00 AM40.00
25INSTTLESTLindbergh Elementary- STRINGS -Instrument Rental-(Grade 4)08/19/2406/30/25M from 12 M to 12:00 AM40.00

Click the course Title link for more information.

These courses may be offered at a future date. Click the course Title link for more information.